Frequently Asked Questions!

Got questions? We’ve got answers!

Welcome to Dealbesttime! If you’re unsure where to start, our FAQ section is here to help! for a more detailed rundown on how to get started with Dealbesttime.

Are the deals posted by Dealbesttime legit?

Absolutely! We personally test every deal, promotion, freebie, or coupon before posting to ensure the offer is valid. This means there are no scams or questionable offers on Dealbesttime (and if there are deals we’re iffy on, we mark them with a Warning label so you can use your own judgment).

However, please note that we are a team of imperfect human beings that are posting deals behind our computer screens, so errors may happen on occasion. We’re human. But we strive to ensure that every deal is something that we would each be personally interested in snagging ourselves.

Also, on occasion, some deals do not work out as anticipated (i.e. orders get canceled, freebies do not arrive, etc.). Although this can be extremely frustrating, Dealbesttime cannot be held responsible when this happens.

How does Dealbesttime make money?

Our team researches and validates all deals and offerings posted on Dealbesttime. Note that some deals involve products or services sold by merchants that have affiliate programs. If we find a product or service, which is a great deal, we will refer you to the product or service with an affiliate link.

Dealbesttime may get paid a commission if you use the link and/or buy the product. Whether you use the link or buy the product is entirely up to you.

I found a great deal. How can I send it to you?

If you’ve found a great deal while out shopping or have a money-saving tip, we want to hear about it! Visit our Contact Us page or send an email to and let us know about it!

If you’re interested in working with Dealbesttime to advertise or feature your brand, please submit your advertising inquiries or press requests by emailing us at

Here are a few simple tips to make the most of the site:

Browse the homepage often – new deals, coupons, offers, freebies, and more are posted throughout the day! In fact, you may want to check the site every 10 minutes with a cup of coffee in hand… because YES, that’s how often we’re posting content!

Follow/Like Dealbesttime On Social Media – follow and like us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok to join our large Dealbesttime social media family and keep up on the latest!